My name is Bree, I am based in the Gold Coast. I am mum of three, my little boy Charlie, my middle babe Frankie & my littlest love, Minnie.
I am originally from Forbes. I moved to the Albury/Wodonga when I was 8 and spent most of my life in the Circus. I attended the Flying Fruit Fly Circus for 9 years & then found myself in Brisbane working for numerous Circus companies!
Falling pregnant with my first babe, then followed by my second pretty close afterwards (yes, 17 months apart) I found my passion and priorities had slightly changed & being a mum was the most challenging but best thing ever! It was my middle child that gave me this career path.
Why the passion? I started to develop a love for sleep after Charlie was born, something I had to do a lot of research myself. He however picked up sleep training very well and it felt somewhat easy. I continued to learn, as he got older. Then my daughter came along,
I know people always say kids can be ‘chalk and cheese’, and my golly was she the cheese to my chalk. Everything I had done with Charlie was not working for Frankie and it drove me crazy. I thought I knew sleep training but I only knew how to sleep train my
son. This is when I worked out this course existed and I instantly knew this would be my dream job to help those parents being in similar situations and worse. Then along came Minnie 4 years later, I was so much more relaxed with her and it was all due to the knowledge of sleep and understanding infant/child sleep.
Becoming a child/infant sleep consultant has been nothing short of amazing learning all the in’s and out’s of sleep and I could not be more excited to be helping parents out of that sleep deprivation with very gentle sleep techniques to suit all types of parenting.
Happy Sleeping!
Bree xx
0402 037 887
©2019 by Little Dreamers Sleep Consultant.